Dear all,
A public consultation on the development of Local Community Networks (LCNs) was launched on 5 September.
Despite going live just before the tragic news of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll’s death, I can report we received well over 100 responses from a range of groups in those first few days alone, which is so encouraging.
Many have stepped forward from the NHS, the Police and voluntary sector wanting to engage. It’s been a pretty intense time for the Project Team, but we are delighted! It’s proof that we were right to launch the consultation at this time.
May I take this opportunity to thank all our stakeholders for their contributions so far, and thanks to those of you who have attended our in-person sessions and the member and parish (virtual) drop-ins to date.
For many, the focus will be elsewhere as we head into a weekend of commemorations, and the public holiday for the Queen’s state funeral on Monday. But we know the LCN conversations will continue and we expect a rush of responses, once due respects have been paid.
I’m re-issuing the briefing pack in the hope you’ll continue to share the links and spread the word about this important piece of work. The consultation runs for six weeks until Monday 17th October 2022.
We look forward to your constructive and insightful feedback. Please remember, we’ve a dedicated email for any LCN enquiries [email protected]. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Cllr Val Keitch