Wessex Water have circulated letters to residents on Pinewood and Beech Grove regarding the plans for significant investment and improvement works at Somerton Water Recycling Centre (WRC).
We are advised that “there are two phases of work, an initial phase beginning on the 29 August 2023 for approximately 2 weeks. This will be to remove redundant tanks located within the WRC and construct working areas required for the second phase. The second phase will start in November 2023 and take up to 12 months to complete. All construction works will be located within the existing WRC located off Barpool Lane, Somerton. For the first phase of the works, construction vehicles will access the WRC via the roads Pinewood and Beech Grove. Residents will see an increase in construction vehicles using these routes during this two-week period but during weekdays only and all heavy construction vehicles will be requested to adhere to a 20mph limit”
Further details of the timings of the second phase of works will be detailed in a further letter which will be circulated to residents in October.
If you need any extra support or have any questions please call 0345 600 4600 or visit wessexwater.co.uk/contact-us