Please see below the opening hours for customers over the festive period.
Customer Service Points (CSP’s)/Receptions at Petters Way, Deane House, Bridgwater House, Shape Mendip, West Somerset House, and our smaller CSP’s in Street, Wells, Frome and Glastonbury will be closed on Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday, 29th December.
Our Customer Contact Centres will be open as usual except on the statutory Bank Holidays. Customers will be able to ring us as normal between 08:30 hrs and 17:00 hrs on 0300 123 2224 or use our Video Assistant Link (VAL) service in any of our Customer Access Points (CAP’s) on Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday, 29th December.
Lifeline, Out of Hours and Emergency duty teams will be in operation over the festive period. If you need these services, phone 0300 123 2224, listen to the messaging to be directed to these service areas.