Policies and Procedures

Previous Editions

S.T.C Terms of Reference June 2023

S.T.C Standing Orders January 2021

S.T.C Crime and Disorder Policy 2016

S.T.C Pension Policy 2017

S.T.C Health and Safety Policy 2017

S.T.C Delegation Scheme 2018

S.T.C. Code of Conduct 2018 – 2019

S.T.C Terms of Reference 2018 – 2019

S.T.C Standing Order 2018 – 2019

S.T.C Objectives 2017-18

S.T.C Business Plan 2016 – 2017

S.T.C Objectives 2016-17

S.T.C Data Protection Policy

S.T.C Drone and Model-Aircraft Policy

S.T.C Complaints Procedure

S.T.C Community Engagement Policy

S.T.C Annual Report 2016

S.T.C Delegation Scheme 2017

S.T.C Standing Orders 2017

S.T.C Terms of Reference 2017

S.T.C. Code of Conduct 2017

S.T.C Audio Visual Recording Policy

S.T.C Dignity at Work Policy

S.T.C Safeguarding Policy

S.T.C Discipline and Grievance Policy

S.T.C Equal Opportunities Policy

S.T.C 2016 Summary Model Publication Scheme

S.T.C 2016 Terms of Reference

S.T.C 2016 Standing Orders

S.T.C 2016 Code of Conduct

S.T.C 2016 Health and Safety Policy

S.T.C 2016 Delegation Scheme

S.T.C Biodiversity Policy 2016

S.T.C 2016 Pension Policy

S.T.C Crime and Disorder Policy 2016

S.T.C Health and Safety Policy 2016

S.T.C Data Protection Policy 2016

S.T.C Safeguarding Policy

S.T.C Training Policy

S.T.C Delegation Scheme

S.T.C Grant policy

S.T.C Grant application form

STC Community Engagement Policy

Somerton Town Council Planning Information Sheet

2015 Summary of Model Publication Scheme

2015 STC Discipline and Grievance Policy

2015 STC Complaints Procedure

2015 STC Standing Orders

2015 STC Code of Conduct

2015 Somerton Town Council Objectives

2015 STC Training Policy

Policy on audio visual recording 10th February 2015

Dignity at Work Policy 10th February 2015

Fraud and Corruption Policy 10th February 2015