Somerton Town Council D-Day Full list of Events, on Thursday 6th June, Saturday 8th June and Sunday 9th June.



Thursday 6th June.

8am there will be a Proclamation by the Town Crier and laying of wreath at the Market square, public are welcome.

Peom reading will take place at King Ina Academy School by the Children, reading ‘D-Day Heroes’ (Private School Event)

We are hoping the public will join us again for the Beacon Lighting Event, taking place at Somerton Recreation ground from 7:30-9:30pm, Live entertainment and Food available. The Beacon will be lit at 9:15pm.

Saturday 8th June @ 7:30pm 

Celebration Dance at the Edgar Hall with Big Berties Band.

Sunday 9th June 12-5pm – Free Community Event 

Family Fun Day and Picnic @ Somerton Recreaton Ground, commemortaing D Day 80th Anniversary, join us for live music and food, Climbing wall, Circus skills, Childrens craft tent, Drum Bus, Games, and WW2 Vehicle Exhibition.

Look out for Posters for more information about each event.