Somerset Wildlife Trust invite communities and nature lovers across the county to join our annual event celebrating positive actions being made for nature and climate

Wilder Together, an annual celebration event for anyone in Somerset who has been doing their part for nature in their gardens, local green spaces, and communities, will be taking place this autumn.

Hosted by Somerset Wildlife Trust in a different part of the county each year, Wilder Together 2024 is taking place at Edgar Hall in Somerton on Saturday 12th October between 11am and 3.30pm.

The aim of Wilder Together is to inspire individuals and communities to take meaningful actions to drive nature’s recovery across the county.

Somerset Wildlife Trust hopes that by bringing together people and communities from across the county, this will create a ripple effect to inspire more people to take action for nature and climate.

Bryony Slaymaker, Wilder Communities Manager at Somerset Wildlife Trust, says the event will showcase the power of individuals and communities that are taking meaningful action for the nature they love.

She said: “There are many people across the county who have the passion and energy to drive positive change for nature in their local area, school, business, land, or workplace.

“Wilder Together 2024 is not only a celebration of this work but is also a catalyst for change. We know that by demonstrating the amazing achievements made by individuals and groups across Somerset, we can inspire others as part of our ambition to encourage 1 in 4 people to take sustained collective action for nature and climate by 2030.”

The day will be split into two sessions. During the morning session, attendees can enjoy quick-fire talks from community-led nature projects from across Somerset, including the Big Bat Count and Mendip Youth Rangers, followed by time to network with other nature-advocates and enthusiasts to share ideas.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided, after which attendees will take part in one of a selection of afternoon workshops (booked on arrival): Community Rewilding, Wildlife Friendly Community Food Growing, Youth Action, Active Hope and Re-imagining our urban spaces.

Attendees from last year’s Wilder Together event gave feedback including they ‘came away inspired, with masses of new friends, and lots of great ideas’. Another added that ‘it was uplifting and motivating, and the speakers were amazing’.

Advanced booking is essential – Somerset Wildlife Trust want everyone to be able to attend this event, regardless of finances, so tickets are “pay what you can”, with fully subsidised spaces also available. Donations are also encouraged, so that Somerset Wildlife Trust can continue to run events that are accessible for all.

To book a ticket, or for more information about the event, please visit: