Temporary Road Closure: Cross Lane, Long Sutton – 11th September

Temporary Road Closure: Cross Lane, Long Sutton Reference: SS58/0524 – SD007780 – Cross Lane Please be aware that we have received notification of a temporary road closure at Cross Lane, Long Sutton for approximately 485 metres, which will commence on 11th September 2024 and is expected to last until 15th September 2024 (between 07:00 to 19.00hrs – 5 days).   These phased works are … Read More

Temporary Road Closure: Gassons Lane, Somerton – 23rd September 2024

Temporary Road Closure: ttro556704S – Gassons Lane, Somerton Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=139802538 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_139802538_3774759_5f74bb0b8b.pdf The order becomes effective on 19th September 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 23rd September 2024 and last for 7 hours (08:30 – 15:30) to enable Openreach … Read More

Temporary Road Closure: Peak Lane, Compton Dundon – 25th September 2024

Temporary Road Closure: ttro589544S – Peak Lane, Compton Dundon Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=139410283 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_139410283_3773400_6e5b0e8dd7.pdf The order becomes effective on 19th September 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 25th September 2024 and last for 3 days to enable Openreach to … Read More

Somerton Viaduct Survey

Somerton Town Council have designed a survey to establish community opinions on receiving the monthly Somerton Viaduct. Participation is anonymous. If you would like to participate, please fill out this page and return via email to [email protected] or via post to Edgar Hall, 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park, TA11 6SB. You can also scan the QR code or click … Read More

Urgent Footpath Closure: Polham Lane, Somerton – 3rd September

Urgent Footpath Closure: – ttro313349S – WW – Polham Lane, Somerton Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (urgent) footpath closure at Polham Lane, Somerton which will commence on 3rd September 2024 – 6th September 2024 (00:00 – 23:59) for a total of 4 days. This will enable Wessex Water to carry out works to repair leaking ferrule. The contractor has indicated … Read More

Temporary Road Closure: Somerton Road, Huish Episcopi and High Ham – 16th September 2024

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; https://one.network/?tm=139047026 and the link for the Notice 2:https://api-gb.one.network/downloads/tm/1111/03-notice-2_139047026_3762063_969ff11230.pdf The order becomes effective on 12th September 2024 and will remain in force for eighteen months. The works are expected to commence on 16th September 2024 and last for 26 days to enable Wales & West Utilities to replace gas mains ​There will be … Read More

Somerton Cinema Society Public Opinion Survey

Somerton Cinema Society have designed a survey to establish community opinions on monthly film screenings in The Parish Rooms. Participation is anonymous. To take part, please scan the QR code or click on the link below – https://forms.office.com/e/bVvtcyxhUM