Previous Tenders

Welcome to Somerton Town Council Tenders:

Access and Highways: Cobbles Project 2019

Tender Pack:

Website 2019 Resetting Cobbles at the Church and Parish Rooms Tender Pack

  • Contract Finder:

Accessibility and Highways Link:

Please find detailed below links to the following Tender Bids for Maintenance Contracts 2018 – 2020:

Tender Packs Advertised:

  • Somerton Town Council Website
  • The Western Gazette
  • Contract Finder:

Accessibility and Highways Link:

Land and Properties Link:

Tender Packs can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:

Accessibility and Highways Contract Tender Pack 2018

Land and Properties Contract Tender Pack 2018 

Closing Date: Noon on 30th November 2017


You will find detailed below links to the following Tender Bids for years 2015 and 2016:

Somerton Cemetery Maintenance Tender 2015 & 2016:

Closing Date: 10th February 2015

Cemetery Maintenance Tender Letter

Cemetery Maintenance Tender Specification

Conditions of Cemetery Maintenance Tender

Form to Tender for Cemetery Maintenance Tender

Maintenance Work to Play & Other Areas Tender 2015 & 2016:

Closing Date: 10th February 2015

Maintenance Work to Play & Other Areas Tender Letter

Maintenance Work to Play & Other Areas Specification

Maintenance Work to Play & Other Areas Tender Map

Conditions of Maintenance Work to Play Areas Tender

Form of Tender For Maintenance Work to Play & Other Areas Tender

Cutting Grass Verges Tender 2015 & 2016:

Closing Date: 10th February 2015

Cutting Grass Verges Tender Letter

Cutting Grass Verges Specification

Cutting Grass Verges Tender Map

Cutting Grass Verges Wild Flower “Hot Spots” Supporting Document

Condition Of Contract: Cutting Grass Verges

Form to Tender For Cutting of Grass Verges

Shrub Bed Maintenance Tender 2015 and 2016:

Closing Date: 10th February 2015

Shrub Bed Maintenance  Tender Letter

Shrub Bed Maintenance Specification

Shrub Bed Maintenance  Tender Map

Condition Of Contract: Shrub Bed Maintenance 

Form to Tender For Shrub Bed Maintenance 

Footpath Tender 2015 and 2016:

Closing Date: 10th February 2015

Footpath Maintenance  Tender Letter

Footpath Maintenance Specification

Condition Of Contract: Footpath Maintenance 

Form to Tender For Footpath Maintenance 

Market Square Refurbishment of Paving, Somerton 2015:

Closing Date: 3rd March 2015

Market Square Refurbishment of Paving Tender Letter

Market Square Refurbishment of Paving Specification

Condition Of Contract: Market Square Refurbishment of Paving

Edgar Hall Servery Refurbishment 2015:

Closing Date: 9th March 2015

Edgar Hall Servery Refurbishment Tender Letter

Edgar Hall Servery Refurbishment Specification

Condition Of Contract: Edgar Hall Servery Refurbishment 

Removal and replacement of the Market Place Ash Tree 2015 – 2016:

Closing Date: 20th January 2015

Removal and replanting of the Market Place Ash Tree Tender Letter 2015

Removal and Replacement of the Ash Tree at the Market Place Car Park Specification 2015

Removal and Replacement of the Ash Tree at the Market Place Car Park 2015 Condition of Contract

Removal and Replanting of the Ash Tree at the Market Place 2015 Form to Tender